After Rocky Mountain SER received a $150,000 federal grant, plans are underway to open a grocery store on Pueblo's East Side.
Palisades Charter High School plans to temporarily move students to a former Santa Monica department store while elementary ...
Phoenix Elementary School District officials have decided to close Heard and Dunbar Elementary schools amid concerns of ...
The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 brought Pioneer Elementary School’s robotics program to a halt, but a new group of fourth-, fifth- and sixth-graders are ready to rebuild. Teachers Carey Zech and Sarah ...
He remembers reading that article and latching on to the most salient detail: The brick school his children would attend, ...
Retired longtime Sherman educators David and Paula Parker are overwhelmed yet humbled by the Sherman ISD’s decision to name ...
A 19-year-old woman was arrested after hurting a child at an elementary school in southern Indiana, according to police.
Celina ISD officials approved new attendance zones for elementary school students as the district is opening its fifth ...