Scottsdale police say two vehicles were stopped side-by-side at a red light on Shea, waiting to go westbound, when a vehicle, driven by 48-year-old Bradley Olson ... arrested on suspicion of DUI ...
A string of repeat DUI offenders has many Utah residents raising the question: is the Beehive State is doing enough to keep ...
Marcus Jordan now says he has a substance abuse issue following his Florida DUI arrest last month. In court filings obtained by multiple outlets, Jordan’s lawyer requested to the court that ...
SANDY, Utah — A woman with seven previous DUI arrests was arrested for an eighth time in Sandy, with police finding several open containers and medications in her car, police said. After the ...
James Carhuff Courtesy A Pierce County Superior Court judge has dismissed a lawsuit that accused local authorities of negligence after a Puyallup woman was arrested for DUI but actually had ...
A repeat DUI offender has been arrested for ... Art Brown, president of Utah’s chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, said the problem won’t be solved with arrests alone. “We will never arrest our ...
A woman who blew a .265% blood alcohol level was arrested for her seventh DUI after authorities discovered multiple open containers and several impairing medica ...