A cannabis dispensary in Bloomfield will hold an expungement clinic for people who want to clear their records of low-level offenses.
"The people I represent deserve better than being forced to fatten the bottom line for utility companies," Bloomfield's mayor said.
BLOOMFIELD, NJ - Hoover Ave. will close from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, March 14 for the funeral of Newark Detective Joseph Azcona. On March 7, Det. Azcona made the ultimate sacrifice while serving ...
The woman said she had a sexual relationship with Ryan Ramsay, a social studies teacher when she was a 17-year-old senior at the high school, authorities said. She started talking to Ramsay outside of ...
Andrew Gerard Boyer, age 36, was charged with brandishing as a result of Friday's incident in the 5000 block of Woodland Pass, according to the report by Bloomfield Township Police Department.
BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP — Pickleball players will soon have a new place to volley, dink, and rally in Bloomfield Township. Pickleball has been named America’s fastest growing sport, with nearly 50 million ...
U.S. Marshals and Immigrations and Customs Enforcement officers showed up at Jersey Kebab restaurant in Haddon Township, New Jersey, early Tuesday morning and took the owners into custody ...
The Mobile Safe Freight Unit was conducting a commercial vehicle inspection on Route 78 East in Greenwich Township when it was determined the vehicle was transporting of marijuana, New Jersey State ...