after his hair is grown out a couple of inches. If you want that extra bit of texture and movement in short hairstyles, then Blind Barber's lightweight texturizing spray is perfect. It's going to ...
Want your hair to smell amazing all day? PureWow editors test the 13 best hair perfumes in the market, from Gisou to Rare ...
This setting spray has beauty lovers buying it over and over again. It's finally on sale — but not for long. Grab before the ...
Finally, wash day. While this is a great routine to avoid overwashing, product buildup from avoiding shampooing is its own ...
A Function of Beauty styling mousse perfect for wavy hair that needs a little extra TLC, adding just the right amount of ...
It’s now an essential step in my hair care regimen, particularly during the dry winter months when the scalp can get extra dry. I'm already onto my second bottle!" Original: The fail-safe, the bread ...