There are many pros for using baking soda and vinegar for cleaning, but there are also times the pairing can do more harm than good. Whilst their chemical reaction causes bubbles that can help ...
You may have used vinegar and baking soda before to make bubbles. In this experiment, we add a little dish detergent to make the bubbles last longer and see if you can use chemistry to control the ...
Where baking soda and vinegar can only hope to dissolve clogs, true drain cleaners actually do so—and often quite well. Drain cleaners can be used with standing water in the sink basin.
Students will be able to plan and carry out an investigation to compare the amount of gas produced in reactions between baking soda and baking powder when vinegar is added. Students will be able to ...
Maker: Well, you want to soak those in vinegar. And you can soak them overnight ... you can actually soak them in plain baking soda. And you can do that for even a couple of hours or even ...