In “A Working Man,” whose script was coauthored by Ayer and Sylvester Stallone, Statham plays a construction worker with a violent past from which he’s trying to distance himself. (Fat chance in this ...
Things aren’t going very well for Jason Statham ’s character in the actor’s new action vehicle. He’s sleeping in his car, ...
Wow, I can't believe 13 years ago our lives were forever changed and forever blessed with the film adaptation The Hunger ...
Statham plays a sort of hero-laying-low in director and co-writer David Ayer's latest collab — they previously teamed up on ...
A review of 'A Working Man' with Jason Statham as ex-soldier on hunt for the daughter of a friend who has been sold into a sex trafficking operation ...
On the movie side of things, action fans will be delighted to see that Havoc is finally set to premiere on Netflix in April.