The film “Porcelain War” follows a year in the life of three Ukrainian artists who defiantly stay in their homeland, choosing ...
After Oppenheimer shook the world with its mind-bending narrative, Christopher Nolan is now poised to chart entirely new ...
ROH Women’s World Champion Athena will defend the gold at an upcoming STARDOM event. Athena made her STARDOM debut at the New Year Dream event on January 3. There, she and Thekla defeated Mina ...
Around the second or third century C.E., a gold ring bearing the likeness of the Roman goddess Venus was lost on a road in ...
Achilles personifies the themes of heroism, pride and vulnerability. He was the hero of the Trojan war and entered his rage ...
With every aspect of Roman life having a specific deity to call upon, it can be tricky to make sense of the ancient pantheon ...
The king of the gods in the ancient Greek pantheon had a notorious reputation for sleeping around, so it should come as no ...
In the third part of its series classical cultures, the Getty Museum looks at Thrace, a territory of tribes that sat between ...
Athena was the daughter of Zeus and Metis and one of the twelve Olympian deities the Greeks believed ruled over the cosmos.
Limerick woman Olivia Humphrey on inventing a scalp cooling device for chemotherapy patients, writes Sarah McIntosh.
Christopher Nolan's The Odyssey promises a star-studded cast, mythic action, and IMAX innovation. Discover the exciting ...
President-elect Trump has clinched the necessary number of Electoral College votes to become the next occupant of the White ...