Just as it should be with a radio-controlled monster truck. With everything assembled, the overall size and wheelbase equate to a 1:10 scale truck, though technically the engine is considered 1:6 ...
DriveCore is a modular and scalable platform designed for controlling RC vehicles with the potential for AI-powered autonomy. Built using Python, OpenCV, and a Raspberry Pi, DriveCore serves as the ...
The best remote-control (RC) car is a brilliant gift for a birthday or Christmas. Whether you're a parent or relative, or you just want to relive your youth, it'll make you a hit with family or ...
[Mattsroufe] has made a very cool project with one of them, not only managing to stream video from a small model car, but also to control the steering and motor by means of servos and a little ...
[Azpaca] purchased a fun little toy car from Tamiya, only… there was a ... Thus, it was time to 3D-print a better chassis that could actually get through it! The problem was quite obvious.
Enables autonomous driving of a 2 or 4 wheel car with an Arduino and a Adafruit Motor Shield V2. To avoid obstacles a HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor mounted on a SG90 Servo continuously scans the area.