The Space Coast is home to beautiful beaches, amazing landscapes, inspired eats, breathtaking art, shopping, and of course, NASA’s Kennedy Space Center.
3D printers will make the tools, structures and habitats space pioneers need to survive in a hostile alien environment. They will enable long-term human presence on the Moon and Mars.
Here is a brief rundown of some coming entertainment options in Northeast Ohio. Make submissions for consideration via email to [email protected] or [email protected]. You ...
Tom Hanks said he knows for certain there are two things that are going to happen in the future of space exploration. One, ...
Amsterdam city historian Robert von Hasseln has compiled biographical data on Rocco Petrone, Amsterdam’s link to the moon landings that took place over 50 years ago.
During the Apollo program, the Saturn V rocket had a mass ratio of 23. This means that a fully-fueled Saturn V rocket was 23 times more massive than when all its fuel was used up. Now, there have ...
LISTER, mounted below Blue Ghost’s lower deck, measures the flow of heat from the moon's interior with a sophisticated ...
In his final days aboard the space station in a mission that’s lasted six months, American astronaut Don Pettit has shared ...
A steady line of tour buses, rental cars and media vans rolled into the Kennedy Space Center Wednesday morning, as folks from near and far prepared to watch a 230-foot rocket propel astronaut Anne ...
Researchers manipulated water waves to move ping pong balls and grains of rice with a level of precision that seems straight out of a sci-fi movie. By Margherita Bassi Mark Cuban Shares the ...