<!-- wp:gutenberg-custom-blocks/featured-media {"id":2997543,"url":"https://api.time.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/apollo-11-moon-landing-buzz-aldrin-neil-armstrong ...
THESE two NASA images, supposedly of different areas of the Moon, share something you might not expect, according to conspiracy theorists. They want you to believe it could be proof the Apollo ...
"We leave as we came... with peace and hope for all mankind," Apollo 17 commander Gene Cernan said as he took man's last steps on the moon. It's been 45 years since the launch of Apollo 17 ...
Thanks to visual effects artist, Michael Ranger, we’ve all been able to get a look at more of the Moon and see what it would ...
The only photo of Neil Armstrong on the moon, taken by Buzz Aldrin, and other historic space photographs are headed to ...
A little more than four years after the final Ranger images, Apollo 11 landed the first humans on the moon. The impacts of the Ranger probes left visible craters on the lunar surface, later ...
“Earthrise” begins with a quotation from William Anders, who, as a member of the first crew to circle the moon, took the ...
In 1972, Apollo 16 astronaut and moon walker Charlie Duke left a family photo on the lunar surface. Today that photo is long gone. But Duke’s visage is heading back to the moon this week ...
Beyond its multiple-screen presentation, what separates "The Moonwalkers" from past Apollo and space documentaries are its visuals. Complementing NASA's archival footage are the photos taken by ...