Duke took the flags with him to the Moon on Apollo 16 in 1972. “We are grateful to General Duke for this generous ...
"I weighed 363 pounds with all my equipment, but up on the Moon, just 60 pounds — so you could really spring up!” ...
Apollo 16 (1972) was commanded by John Young with Lunar Module Pilot Charlie Duke. Called "the astronaut's astronaut" by Emerita Curator Valerie Neal of the National Air and Space Museum's Department ...
the first mission to use the four-wheel-drive lunar rover. John Young, Ken Mattingly and Charlie Duke of Apollo 16 and Gene Cernan, Ron Evans and Harrison Schmitt of Apollo 17 traveled ever ...
While analyzing samples collected during the Apollo 16 mission, Nottingham and his colleagues used mass spectrometry techniques to catalog various noble gasses and their abundance in the samples ...
While hundreds of astronauts have traveled to space, only a select few have set ... so you didn't see stars or planets," Apollo 16 astronaut Charlie Duke told Forbes. Setting foot on the moon ...