Archaeologists first discovered a pharaoh's tomb at Abydos more than 10 years ago, providing evidence of a "lost" royal dynasty at the site ...
A research team’s astonishing claims that they discovered massive underground structures extending hundreds of feet deep ...
The burial chamber most likely belonged to a ruler in a line of kings once lost to history, researchers said. “It’s a new ...
When researchers examined skeletons buried in present-day Sudan, they found evidence that some had belonged to workers who ...
Italian and Scottish scientists have claimed to have discovered ‘a vast underground city’ below the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt ...
The discovery of artifacts near the sarcophagus of Tutankhamun may be the oldest known evidence of a ritual known as the ...
The legendary pharaoh’s tomb was discovered in 1922, filled with thousands of priceless artifacts — some of which experts now believe were previously overlooked.
Researchers have located laborers beneath a pyramid in Tombos, Sudan, revealing burial was more inclusive in ancient Egypt ...
Researchers claim they’ve discovered the legendary Halls of Amenti in a “vast city” beneath Egypt’s Pyramids of Giza — a wild ...
New radar imaging research suggests there is a hidden two-kilometer underground complex featuring interconnected chambers, ...
A new book by the artist Dorothy Cross tells the remarkable story of Cecil, UCC’s Egyptian mummy, and his return home ...