The storied .35 Whelen and hard-charging .358 Norma Magnum go head to head in this installment of Phil Massaro's popular ...
The T.E.A.R. round from Integral Hitch LLC is a specialized 12-gauge shotgun round produced exclusively for law enforcement.
These three ammunition offerings paint a valuable picture for understanding the differences in muzzle velocity and downrange energy that is obtainable with the .223 Rem. and 5.56 NATO cartridges.
Before I ever got serious about patterning turkey guns, chokes, and loads, I believed the 12 gauge was the king of the turkey ...
The .45/70 may not be the fastest, flattest, or most accurate cartridge, but it still has a place among modern rifles and our hearts.
Phil Massaro dives into the intricacies of the .300 RUM and .30-378 Wby. Mag., comparing the attributes of both. Read on to ...
However, muzzle velocity and downrange energy will vary depending on your bullet selection. Projectile weights range from 35 grains on up to 85 grains with 55- to- 62-grain bullets being the most ...
Have you ever wondered who the better turkey hunters are? Modern hunters with all the latest gear or those pioneers of our game from a half-century ago? Modern conservation and modern marketing have ...
308 Winchester or 8.6x70 mm / .338 Lapua Magnum ammunition. Even the world's best bulletproof vest cannot protect against the latter, as the muzzle energy of the fired projectile exceeds 6,000 joules.
The cartridge has been around so long ammunition manufacturers have absolutely ... They can generate more than 2000 foot-pounds of muzzle energy and are sufficient out to around 200 yards for ...
308 Winchester or 8.6x70 mm / .338 Lapua Magnum ammunition. Not even the world's best bulletproof vest can protect against the latter because the muzzle energy of the fired projectile exceeds ...