Il Tar Liguria boccia ricorso di una società contro niet della Questura a licenza per la raccolta di scommesse in un locale vicino a tre 'luoghi sensibili'.
La Fontana dei Tre Leoni torna a splendere dopo il restauro da 50.000 euro grazie anche a mecenati privati: le foto e i ...
L’appuntamento è per domenica 30 marzo, a Villa Fabri NewTuscia – TREVI – Un ventaglio di eccellenze enogastronomiche umbre per offrire una giornata di degustazioni, show cooking e percorsi guidati. C ...
Blockchain provides a tangible path forward, offering practical solutions for ensuring fairness, recognition, and ...
Open AI's latest update to ChatGPT ignores any prior restraint and jumps headfirst into aping the actual talents of Studio ...
ChatGPT's new image generation tool allows users to create Studio Ghibli-style art, sparking a viral trend online. Check out ...
Twitch star Asmongold believes artists will be searching for new jobs as AI art has spiked again with the Chat GPT-inspired ...
Unlike conventional design tools that need technical expertise, Dzine AI has a user-friendly interface with robust features, ...
OpenAI temporarily limited ChatGPT’s image generation to manage GPU overheating, triggered by high demand for Ghibli-style AI ...
The former home of the San Francisco Art Institute (SFAI) will be reborn again as an art school, albeit unaccredited. But first, it will need some renovations. This is according to its owner ...
During a partial solar eclipse, the Moon passes in front of the Sun as seen from Earth, but the central part of its shadow—known as the umbra—misses the planet, according to NASA. That’s ...
Il colosso del private equity, attraverso la sua piattaforma italiana Polis Sgr, ha investito nell’azienda umbra leader nella progettazione e distribuzione di abbigliamento e accessori per l’equitazio ...