Nvidia showcased robots that could work in warehouses, pedal around like “Star Wars” droids and manipulate surgical equipment ...
Researchers from DEEP Robotics have developed a feature that lets their robotic dog navigate complex environments on its own.
North Vancouver-based artificial intelligence (AI) company Novarc Technologies Inc. today said it has received $50 million in funding ... Corp. NovAI enables robots to see and adapt as though ...
North Vancouver-based artificial intelligence (AI) company Novarc Technologies Inc. today said it has received $50 million in funding to improve ... fund inBC Investment Corp. NovAI enables robots to ...
The shipbuilder was an early adopter of Novarc's welding-automation technology, first by installing Novarc’s spool-welding robot at Seaspan's Vancouver ... That was the largest annual decline in 50 ...
They are excellent swimmers but don’t have webbed feet. Their body shape is duck-like, but they have pointy beaks. They belong to the Rail family, which includes Coots and several other species of ...
Their long-pointed beaks are shaped like swords, which they use to defend their territory against other hummingbirds. Moore said that's because they evolved from feeding only on plants ...