Another white shark, a 9-foot 7-inch male named Keji, pinged near the continental shelf off Ft. Myers in January, as well. In June, it had pinged off the North Carolina coast and in July off Nova ...
In a video taken by the X-stream fishing team during an annual competition off Port Stephens on Saturday, a four-metre great ...
Another white shark, a 9-foot 7-inch male named Keji, pinged near the continental shelf off Ft. Myers in January, as well. In June, it had pinged off the North Carolina coast and in July off Nova ...
Scientists have made a rare discovery off the coast of Portugal, where a frilled shark, a species that has remained nearly ...
Here is a simple guide on how to get the Arctic Rod in Fisch, including the location where you find it and all its stats and ...
Elephants trumpeted, touched trunks and flapped their oversized ears upon reuniting with their herd after a complex, five-day ...