Directed by Steven Soderbergh (Ocean's Eleven, Contagion) from a screenplay by David Koepp (Jurassic Park, Panic Room), the haunted house chiller is shot entirely from the point of view of a spirit trapped inside a suburban home (i.
The "Presence" director/editor/cinematographer/camera operator goes deep on how he cracked shooting an entire film from a ghost's POV.
In honor of Steven Soderbergh's new horror film "Presence," here are 5 other twisty, unpredictable ghost movies like it you should watch.
"I always operate the camera, but this was next level," the director says. "I’m really in there with the actors."
Doing his own camerawork, the director gleefully enriches the haunted-house genre with a simple but ingenious device.
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Koepp's writing is thorny and cuts deceptively deep, like a scrape that looks like a surface wound until it won’t stop bleeding.
The intimate supernatural drama stars Lucy Liu and Chris Sullivan as homeowners with an unexpected houseguest. With Presence, Steven Soderbergh Resurrects the Ghost Story: Review
When Julia Fox first appeared in Uncut Gems, she announced herself as a show-stopper. Audiences everywhere were bewildered as to where Josh and Benny Safdie, the sibling duo who often cast non-professional actors,
Film Review, a movie directed by Steven Soderbergh, written by David Koepp and starring Lucy Liu, Chris Sullivan, Callina Liang
Sundance, Steven Soderbergh and David Koepp return with Presence, a formally fascinating take on the ghost story.