With apologies to Gerald Ford, another long national nightmare is over as Joe Biden’s disastrous term is mercifully drawing to a close.
Presidents have no direct role in approving constitutional amendments. So what could President Biden’s pronouncement recognizing a new one actually do?
With just days left in office, President Biden has said the Equal Rights Amendment is now the law of the land.
U.S. President Joe Biden called the Equal Rights Amendment "the law of the land," on Friday, backing an effort to enshrine the change into the U.S. Constitution even though it long ago failed to secure the approval of enough states to become an amendment.
President Joe Biden on Friday asserted that the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, is part of the Constitution, arguing it had met the criteria to be added as the 28th amendment.
Did Florida ever ratify the Equal Rights Amendment, the 1972 amendment that declared women equal under the law?
Senator Mike Lee, R - Utah, blasted President Joe Biden for "deeming" a constitutional amendment into existence right before his term ends.