One of the clearest instructions we find in Scripture is the call to bless the Jewish people and pray for the peace of ...
Amanda Grace discussed how the Lord is moving with precision and power, echoing the biblical days of Ezra in current unfolding events.
If nothing else, Huff’s comments invite us to re-read familiar texts with fresh eyes, and maybe stop calling everything an ...
Don’t miss this incredible deep-dive into Bible prophecy, watch the full interview now and get equipped for what’s coming.
DiDio reminds listeners that the conversation about the end times is not one to avoid—it’s one that should stir urgency and ...
During an interview with the TODAY Show, Jakes revealed that his medical emergency at the end of last year, which happened on ...
Tomi Arayomi explained why now is the time for Christians to not only seek the miraculous, but also to also walk in daily wisdom.
Richard Lorenzo Jr. delivered a powerful message that shook the foundations of religious pluralism and challenged modern spirituality.
It does not necessarily matter what a pastor or a church group says. We should not blindly accept what is going on in ...
Rosenberg stressed the danger posed by the Chinese Communist Party. He cited official U.S. sources to back his concerns.
We might not see the full picture, but when we trust God’s timing, the results can be greater than we imagine.
Pastor Larry Huch made a striking comparison between former President Donald Trump and the biblical figure King Cyrus.