Water from the tap so good you don’t need to buy plastic bottles of the stuff? It does exist, travel insurer’s survey of ...
"A big help." Pharmacists reveal little-known life hack for reusing prescription bottles: 'We appreciated every dime we could ...
Massive amounts of plastic waste go through advanced recycling processes to be transformed into reusable materials. These ...
Researchers are using air moisture to combat plastic pollution. This new technique efficiently breaks down PET plastics.
As plastic piles up in landfills, New York authorities on the state and local levels are shifting their focus from recycling ...
Widespread confusion about the recycling requirements means that many sustainably minded people toss items in the ...
A new survey finds that more than half of respondents support a bottle bill in RI, fueling efforts to set up a redemption ...
Hazardous materials need careful handling, especially when it comes to storage and transport. Industries working with ...
Jamaicans are being urged to participate in the fight to end plastic pollution in Jamaica by joining the Recycling Partners ...
Stakeholders on Wednesday emphasized the need for specific policies and frameworks to establish a plastic recycling value ...