Attention to the population constitutes a priority of our socialist State of law and social justice, aimed at guaranteeing the effective exercise of the rights to complain and petition (Constitution ...
The National Association of the Blind (ANCI) held at the El Trópico de Contramaestre unit the award ceremony of the first edition of the Cuban popular music contest José Cuevas Veranes in Memoriam.
The Joven Club por Cuba campaign reached the Laguna Blanca Popular Council, in the municipality of Contramaestre, as part of the activities developed to bring Joven Club services to the entire ...
The Millionaire Movement in the sugar cane harvest in Cuba was formed on March 3, 1965, which was made up of brigades of highly productive macheteros in sugar cane cutting, throughout the country. It ...
For the women in Contramaestre this March 8th a kiss, a hug or a congratulation is not enough because their work is invincible. The Homeland that contemplates them is proud to know that in this ...
Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez said today that despite cuts in USAID funds, its interim administrator, US Secretary of State Marcos Rubio, uses taxpayers’ money in subversive plans against Cuba.
The assembly of annual balance of the activity of information and social communication in Contramaestre was attended by a broad representation of the specialists who in the territory assume this work.
Gladis Torres Cancela, is one of those retired women of the Light Industry in Contramaestre difficult to find, but the trade learned since adolescence made her a reference in the art of sewing, sewing ...
In the municipality of Contramaestre, important investments have been made to improve the water supply to the population. The most important one has taken place in the main pumping system that ...
Often, war cries arise in the midst of anguish and despair. Peace, although pleasant, is not capable of inspiring the fervor that emanates from deep sorrow. Fidel knew it well on that March 5, 1960, ...
Sixty years ago, the movement for a millionaire’s tax on the sugar harvest was consolidated in Cuba. That idea arose from the high yields of the manual cane cutting brigades, which throughout the ...