The Fujitsu Group actively cooperates with regional and local communities to pursue unique activities around the world. Fujitsu aims to answer the challenges facing society through both global and ...
Fujitsu does business throughout the world, backed by a global network of R&D, manufacturing, data center, system integration, consulting, sales and support operations. We draw upon our collective ...
Ofwat’s Innovation Consultation gave high praise to water companies which, they said, “have been developing ideas that have the potential to bring incremental improvements to water company operations ...
現在、富士通コワーコ株式会社(以下、弊社)の社名・ブランドロゴ・写真等を盗用している「偽通販サイト」の存在を確認しております。 「偽通販サイト」と弊社とは一切の関わりは ...
複雑化する現代社会の課題を解決するためには、革新的技術の創出と、それを生み出す人材育成が不可欠です。富士通単独では、これらを実現することはできません。そこで、富士通は ...
子供の頃から、私は好奇心が旺盛で、何でも「なぜ?」と聞いてばかりいました。そのため、両親から「しつこい」と呆れられていました。「なぜ空は青いのか?」「なぜキリンの首は長い ...
We draw upon our collective expertise and resources to provide world-class technology and platform products, while also taking advantage of a strong multinational presence to deliver locally optimized ...
We draw upon our collective expertise and resources to provide world-class technology and platform products, while also taking advantage of a strong multinational presence to deliver locally optimized ...
We’re on the cusp of the next great internet revolution, a revolution that will deliver fast, low-latency internet access wherever people are in the world, enabling a truly connected global society ...
Fujitsu is a diverse global organization with over 150,000 employees in 100 countries. We employ the brightest minds within IT services, software, and telecommunications, and as such when you choose a ...
The "Global Fujitsu Distinguished Engineer(Global-FDE)" program certifies engineers who have outstanding technical skills in fields important to Fujitsu's future business growth strategy, and ...
「Fujitsu Software Open Innovation Day 2025」では、ミッションクリティカルシステムを支えるミドルウェアに焦点を当て、「お客様 ...