"We're all excited to have you back, and we're ready to leverage your experiences and expertise in the Space Force." ...
China is practicing “dogfighting” satellites as part of its expanding capabilities in space, according to the United States ...
The United States Space Force should pivot its focus to keeping pace with weaponry used in orbit by the nation's ...
Space Force is looking to expand its offensive capabilities with directed-energy lasers, jamming systems and more traditional ...
While SpaceX led the way in revolutionizing the commercial launch business, a new wave of companies is vying to supply the ...
Explore the $1.1 million contract awarded by the U.S. Space Force to four companies tasked with providing space monitoring ...
"That capability gap is significantly narrowed, and we've got to change the way we're looking at space, or that capability gap may reverse and not be in our favor anymore." ...
Saltzman said the Space Force categorizes adversarial space weapons in six categories—three that are space-based and three ...
The U.S. Air Force announced on Monday that it intends to build two landing pads on a remote island in the Pacific. It wants ...
A senior official warned the U.S. risks losing its edge in space as strategic adversaries continue making gains at "an eye-watering pace." ...