When you take out a loan, it’s common to pay the lender something ... say, 6%, its variable rate will usually begin several percentage points lower. Barring economic conditions drastically ...
This is the rate that you’ll pay for an ARM once the introductory ... The margin is a set percentage point the lender adds to the variable index rate to determine the ARM's interest rate.
T ata Consultancy Services (TCS) has linked quarterly variable pay out to employees with their attendance in office. Those with less than 60 percent attendance won’t be eligible for the ...
“Variable pay for the quarter will be in line with what we did last quarter. It will be different for different units based on their performance. Across, around 80 percent is what people will be ...
The variable pay for employees in delivery and sales divisions who are part of the majority of Infosys 3,23,000 workforce, has been reduced by 5-10 percentage points compared to the previous quarter.