Speak with your healthcare provider about the best steps to create a meal plan that works for you. Eating on an ulcer diet does not mean you have to limit how often you eat. Snacks you can enjoy ...
Dietary and lifestyle choices may help manage gastritis and stomach ulcers. Foods such as broccoli ... Eating a nutritious diet may help improve the health of the gastric environment.
There is insufficient evidence to support exclusive enteral nutrition as an adjunctive therapy for active ulcerative colitis, ...
reduce or stop smoking as it delays ulcer healing ,and not eating within two hours of bedtime. A example of a day's diet might be apple juice, porridge and toast for breakfast, a chicken roll ...
Nutritional interventions at a community level may be the best way forward to both prevent and treat the "flesh-eating" skin infection Buruli ulcer in the fight against neglected tropical diseases ...