ULA is attempting to create the conditions that would allow interested companies to join the CisLunar ... the Vulcan launch vehicle. This new rocket will initially launch with the veteran Centaur ...
While preparations are underway to launch the first mission for the United States Space Force, ULA is preparing ... table for future development, but that Vulcan’s initial Centaur V stage ...
United Launch Alliance's (ULA) new Vulcan Centaur rocket is ready for its second-ever liftoff, which is targeted for Friday ...
It was hoped that the rocket, a combination of the all-new Vulcan first stage and an evolved version of ULA’s Centaur III second ... to the slower than expected development of its BE-4 engines ...
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Despite the setback, ULA has a backlog of missions and a stockpile of rockets, with launches booked for the next two years. ULA CEO Tory Bruno emphasized that ... to the Centaur upper-stage ...