Mjolnir becomes a "smart hammer" with new powers to alert Thor about emergencies and control his new ride. Thor is embracing technology as his origin and mission are corrupted by the Minotaur.
Here to explain more about one particular aspect — Thor's hammer and new weapon — is USC Professor of Physics and a Marvel movies science advisor, Clifford Johnson. You can also check out ...
Can Thor’s hammer really catch lightning? Watch as we put this myth to the test with electrifying results. You won’t believe ...
Thor experiences an evolution of character & leadership development throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe and explores his discovery.
The high school marching band presented a stirring halftime performance of “Thor’s Hammer” and the football ... the band’s competitive program, new band director Nick Buroker built onto ...
Apparently, when you view Thor's Hammer, Mjolnir, closely in replay mode (only when you have equipped the Herald of Thunder costume), it has an engraving that reads: "Whosoever holds this hammer, if ...