Star Wars Legends & Star Wars canon are two distinct continuities, and both contain a version of Luke Skywalker. Here's the ...
A new Star Wars manga from Viz media explores how Luke Skywalker evolved from Rebel hero to a figure of myth in a galaxy far, far away.
The iconic stature achieved by Luke Skywalker has transcended a single movie in the Star Wars franchise. The famous Jedi ...
"Now the Legend of Luke Skywalker is spreading," said Johnson. "Hope is reignited in the galaxy,” Johnson said." You see it in kids like the ones in that last scene. They're "no one," in the ...
Grand Master Luke Skywalker is basically Luke’s final form. In Legends, Luke spent decades relearning the teachings of the old Jedi, mastering as many esoteric Force powers as possible ...
Now, via Gizmodo, we’ve learned that a very significant piece from A New Hope is up for sale, as Luke Skywalker’s medal, awarded to him on Yavin IV by Princess Leia, is going up for auction ...
A medal awarded to Luke Skywalker after he destroyed the Death Star in Star Wars is on sale for 300,000 to 600,000 US dollars. Propstore is selling the Medal of Yavin, which was worn by the future ...
Um novo manga de Star Wars explora a evolução de Luke Skywalker de herói Rebelde a figura mitológica.
Un nuevo manga de Star Wars por parte de Viz Media explora cómo es que Luke Skywalker evolucionó de héroe Rebelde a una figura mitológica en una galaxia muy, muy lejana.