With a space elevator, you don't need rockets or fuel ... The longest is only about 2 feet. To be properly balanced while still reaching geosynchronous orbit — where objects stay in sync ...
The space elevator may be a very real possibility within our lifetimes. Previously the stuff of science fiction novels, scientists and engineers around the world will continue their discussion at ...
One of the biggest challenges to space travel is escaping Earth's orbit, but space elevators, long a staple of science fiction, promise an innovative way to overcome it. A long cable anchored to ...
Why build a space elevator? "The space elevator will reduce the cost of getting from Earth to space. It will also allow us to take very large payloads into space very easily, very safely.
It’s the stuff that Science Fiction is made of: an elevator that climbs its way into space rather than needing a rocket to get there. Can it be done? No. But this Kickstarter project aims to ...