Shemp Howard had an incredibly successful acting career in his own right outside his time with The Three Stooges. He was known for his work outside of comedy too, such as his performance as a ...
I plan to join several hundred like-minded knuckleheads to watch another three-hour Stoogefest at the Riviera Theater.
The Three Stooges have always, and forever will be, the kings of slapstick comedy. Originally comprised of Moe Howard, Larry ...
1955), known professionally as Shemp Howard, was an American actor and comedian. He is best known today for his role as the third stooge in the Three Stooges, a role he first portrayed at the ...
What’s a 55-year-old man doing operating the Stoogeum, the only museum dedicated to preserving the memory of the Three ... Stooges, I’ve done my job.” Lassin’s childhood fascination with the Stooges ...