Earth from space Satellite images taken more than three decades apart show the disappearance of Iceland's Okjökull, the first glacier to be officially declared dead as a result of human-caused ...
The United States satellite ... Imagery is obtained from the GOES and METEOSAT geostationary satellites, and the two US Polar Orbiter (POES) satellites. POES satellites orbit the earth 14 times ...
The images were captured using NASA’s Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC), a 4MP CCD camera and telescope on the DSCOVR satellite ... mission is to monitor real-time solar winds for ...
These photos from book, Overview, by Benjamin Grant, shows grand visual patterns humans create on the Earth's surface from a satellite's point-of-view. Grant will be hosting an event in NYC on Nov ...
For a country with a population of less than six million, Scotland has often been lauded as a country that has consistently punched above its weight on the global stage.  And none more so when one ...
“Clarity-1”, the firm’s first satellite, is due to launch in March. Albedo wants to build up to 24 such satellites, with the aim of making 10cm-resolution images of nearly anywhere on Earth ...
"There is more fire on the Earth than we know about today." Scientists turn to satellite images to help tackle future deadly wildfires: 'We're going to learn very quickly' first appeared on The Cool ...
In partnership with startup Ubotica, NASA’s JPL is testing AI-powered satellites that analyze and act in real time—without ...