Back in the day, it was commonplace to fish ... action rod. That's a shame because, if done right, and with the right mindset, there can be a real pleasure found in a day spent fishing slow ...
And at less than $200 bucks a rod, that’s a really solid price point. Personally, I have the Randy Howell dock skipping/swim ...
It is a common misconception that rod and ... the water fishing for crappie, stripers, largemouths, and speckled trout with these combos. I pitched jigs, worked crankbaits, and fished live bait from ...
Are the Dogwood or Magnolia trees in your state in bloom? That's a good sign that the bass are becoming active.
For these reasons, a 5 ½- to 6 ½-foot light to ultra-light rod is ideal for ... any speed while spin fishing for trout, but one of the most effective ways to fish them in moving water is to ...