The Pokémon anime's original seasons are classics, but the anime actually reached its peak in the Sinnoh era, where ...
Explore the world of Pokemon with Ash Ketchum and his partner Pikachu as they make new friends, meet powerful Pokemon, and ...
Cyrus is a truly imposing force in Generation IV, and aside from his immense power, he's also a tragic figure in the Pokémon ...
Characters: More than 100 new Pokémon make their debut in Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl. Many are new, and some are even evolutions and pre-evolutions of characters from past games.
The series has seen so many memorable entries ... character customization options and more of a social aspect. Pokemon Diamond and Pearl introduced Pokemon trading into the modern age.
While the latter got two DLCs the following year, we haven’t had a new Pokemon RPG in almost ... Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are pretty faithful to the source material.
Players can connect with Pokémon Diamond Version and Pokémon Pearl Version (each sold separately) or import Pokémon from the Game Boy™ Advance games (Pokémon Ruby Version, Pokémon Sapphire ...
As the menace of Team Galactic continues to loom over the Sinnoh region, Ash and Dawn keep getting caught up in the schemes of this mysterious group of villains - as well as facing some other ...