<!-- wp:gutenberg-custom-blocks/featured-media {"id":2997543,"url":"https://api.time.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/apollo-11-moon-landing-buzz-aldrin-neil-armstrong ...
The first manned mission to the moon, Apollo 11, launched on July 16, 1969. The crew of NASA's Apollo 11 mission, from left, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, Michael Collins, and Neil Armstrong, pose with a ...
Since the Apollo 11 astronauts stepped onto the surface ... Some believe the shadows in the moon landing photos prove the images were faked, but this has been disproved with simple explanations ...
Nobody ever accused the Apollo program of failing ... thrills that every one of the 11 missions delivered. And then, perhaps more than anything, there were the pictures. We are equal parts a ...
Scientists had an interest in this area of the moon as a possible landing zone for a future human landing, and indeed Apollo 11 landed 44 miles southeast of the Ranger 8 impact site in July 1969.
One small step': A close-up view of an astronaut's bootprint in the lunar soil, photographed with a 70mm lunar surface camera during the Apollo 11 extravehicular activity (EVA) on the moon.
"We leave as we came... with peace and hope for all mankind," Apollo 17 commander Gene Cernan said as he took man's last steps on the moon. It's been 45 years since the launch of Apollo 17 ...