You’ve had a long week. Come sit down. Ice those knees. Treat yourself to a custard cream. It’s time to crack out ol’ reliable. Sentient It’s wild to sit back and look through the PS1 library and ...
Check out our ranked list of the best PS1 games of all time, titles that have remained beloved by many for decades.
One of the most iconic RPGs from the early days of PlayStation is receiving its first new entry in nearly 20 years.
These are the underrated and underappreciated original PlayStation games that badly need a remake with a graphical overhaul ...
You like old games? You like newer systems? Here are some modern games released for current systems that feel heavily inspired by the PS1 era.
The Lunar Remastered Collection platinum trophy for PS5 and PS4 has been revealed. It's time to dedicate the hours to earning ...
Here is the complete list of all the new PS Plus games coming in March 2025. The lineup ranges from acclaimed RPGs to ...
JRPG hall of famer Suikoden 2 – which originally released on the PS1 in 1998 and is getting a ... Announced alongside mobile game Suikoden Star Leap, the series will be developed by Konami ...