New York City's subways were devastated by Hurricane Sandy, and the Metropolitan Transit ... diesel-powered "pump trains" that are working on the subway tunnels. Deep underground, crews are ...
Other gates will block subway tunnels ... are being installed in New York City. The gates will keep flood waters out of tunnels. Many tunnels flooded during Hurricane Sandy in 2012 and there ...
According to Bloomberg, “The many projects needed to protect New York against a 100-year storm — a destructive weather event that has a 1% chance of happening in any given yea ...
as twisters reported touching down in Delaware and Maryland Experts say biggest danger are storm surges of up to 11ft that could hit New York City Downgraded to category 1 storm as hurricane made ...
Kennedy described how notable flooding events during 2012's Hurricane Sandy — a Category 3 Atlantic hurricane that devastated the U.S. Northeast — demonstrated how the New York subway system ...
New York City already knows the potential risk first-hand. In 2012, superstorm Sandy ripped through the city and flooded its subway system. To prevent future flooding, the city hopes that giant ...
New York City is in the midst of a transportation crisis. Its Hudson River tunnels, which carry the Amtrak and New Jersey Transit rail lines, were badly damaged during Hurricane Sandy, and its ...
I spent a late August day with Regina Herz, a 68-year-old retiree, as Hurricane Harvey lashed southeast Texas with historic flooding ... three months after Sandy. And New Jersey is still ...