Neutron star collisions cause high-energy ... It is republished here under a Creative Commons license. The post Yes, an exploding star close to Earth would make for a very bad day appeared first ...
For years, astronomers have searched for the origins of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, the most powerful particles in the universe. These energetic travelers move at nearly the speed of light, packing ...
Physicists have measured a nuclear reaction that can occur in neutron star collisions, providing direct experimental data for a process that had previously only been theorised. The study provides new ...
Neutron stars can have a resounding impact around ... that grew to four to eight times the size of our own sun before exploding in catastrophic supernovae. After one such explosion blows a star's ...
An international team of astrophysicists from China and Australia has for the first time determined how massive neutron stars ...
These pairs consist of a neutron star devouring up material from a massive ... and teased out some of the elements present in the exploding material, such as nitrogen, oxygen and neon.
"The diversity of ways that white dwarf stars can blow up is much greater than previously expected." There are a lot of ways for dead stars to blow their tops. Astronomers discovered this ...
Scientists believe cosmic rays get spit out by faraway stars exploding (called supernovas). Others could be produced when matter falls into supermassive black holes, from highly magnetized neutron ...
Binary neutron star mergers emit gravitational waves followed by light. To fully exploit these observations and avoid missing key signals, speed is crucial. An interdisciplinary team of researchers ...
Some become neutron stars while very massive ones become black holes. An exploding supernova throws hot gas into space. Depending on the mass at the start of its life, a supernova will leave ...
Exploding white dwarfs observed by the Palomar ... over which a star can explode in a core-collapse supernova and create a neutron star. If a white dwarf is in a binary system with a "normal ...