Studies that explore how the denser sections of atoms, known as atomic nuclei, interact with neutrons (i.e., particles with ...
Neutron cross section standards are important in the measurement and evaluation of all other neutron reaction cross sections. Not many cross sections can be defined as absolute - most are measured ...
Neutron stars can have a resounding impact around the universe. Scientists recently announced the first detection of gravitational waves created by two neutron stars smashing into each other.
Scientists at Goethe University Frankfurt have identified a new way to probe the interior of neutron stars using gravitational waves from their collisions. By analyzing the "long ringdown" phase ...
Physicists have measured a nuclear reaction that can occur in neutron star collisions, providing direct experimental data for ...
Physicists have measured a nuclear reaction that can occur in neutron star collisions, providing direct experimental data for a process that had previously only been theorised. The study provides new ...
Physicists have measured a nuclear reaction that can occur in neutron star collisions, providing direct experimental data for a process that had previously only been theorised. The study, led by ...