Stable isotopes can also be used as tracers, which are deliberately added to a system that is to be studied, such as in agriculture or nutrition. For this purpose, they must be separated using highly ...
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We have a Thermo Delta V Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer equipped with a Gas Bench II system ... that can be used in solution mode or connected to our Applied Spectra RESOlution 193 nm ArF excimer ...
before being introduced into a mass spectrometer for identification and analyses. With standard single quadrupole GC/LC-MS, accurate detection of isotopic abundance is limited to ∼0.1 atom percent ...
From learning to quickly recognise from the spectrum if the analyte is aliphatic ... and understand isotopes, isomers, logical losses, cleavages and rearrangements to produce a mass spectral ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment ...
and the sum of the protons and neutrons gives the atomic mass, the number of neutrons defines the isotope of that element. For example, most carbon (≈ 99 %) has 6 protons and 6 neutrons and is written ...