A superconducting magnetic levitation train, also known as SCMaglev or Maglev for short, can travel at speeds up to 300 mph or faster. Project developers for a proposed Maglev train in the ...
In this three week storyline unit, students investigate a maglev train and the electromagnetic forces that cause a maglev train to levitate and provide the source of propulsion for the train. The ...
In maglev trains, powerful magnets lift and propel the train above the track, reducing friction and allowing for high speeds. “With no mechanical bearings and wider passages for blood flow ...
We don’t know about that. What’s wrong with using LEGO as a research platform for a Maglev? This team has been doing so for quite some time and with great results. A Maglev is a vehicle based ...
The maglev line will go through Shizuoka Prefecture, but the prefectural government has raised concerns that construction work could change the volume of water available along the Oigawa river ...
Video shows examples of high precision motion systems used for test, inspection and production of semiconductor and photonics related products: Magnetic Levitation, Air Bearing Multi-Axis Stages and ...
Leybold has introduced two new turbomolecular pumps for industrial and research applications. The pumps are compact, ...