An Inverness-based travel agency has announced they will organise a special day trip to meet Santa - with a direct flight ...
In Royal Berkshire, Lapland is recreated by the Battle family and their vast team of helpers, conjuring a vivid realm of elves, toys, snow, reindeers and the big man himself - Santa ...
Santa’s holiday home, Lapland, is where you’ll find the picture ... Rovaniemi even boasts Santa Claus’ Post Office, a husky ...
Additionally, if you dress up like Santa on Christmas day ... rivals the snowy magic of Lapland, offering the perfect family getaway closer to home. Park and catch a ride for free!
Explain to the pupils that Santa Claus is said to live in Lapland. Ask the pupils to point on a globe to where they think Santa Claus is said to live. Pupils could be taught that the top of the ...