Werner Herzog had never even seen a movie until he was 11. Now 82, the visionary director is working constantly, still making ...
Director Werner Herzog confirms that he traded his shoes in order to get fish to feel his crew on the infamous set of Aguirre ...
At director Werner Herzog's so-called "film school for rogues," he shows students how to forge a shooting permit. With more ...
There is no more epic journey in Herzog’s work than in Fitzcarraldo, his 1982 masterpiece about a man (Klaus Kinski) transporting a 320-tonne steamship over a mountain in Peru. The shoot is the ...
The appearance of Werner Herzog as the icy criminal ... the first of five films Herzog made with Klaus Kinski – and the story if it’s arduous, five-week shoot in the Amazon, with director ...
Werner Herzog wurde in Bayern geboren und als Weltreisender mit der Kamera berühmt: Der Regisseur nahm es im Urwald Südamerikas mit Klaus Kinski und in Alaska mit Grizzlybären auf. Seine ...
Als Regisseur hat Werner Herzog schon unter schwierigsten Bedingungen Filme gedreht. Er war und ist stets dazu bereit, ...
Werner Herzog and Klaus Kinski are both icons in their own right, and their five feature film collaborations were an explosion of unbridled artistry. But those fireworks were just as powerful off ...
Der deutsche Arthouse-Vampir-Horrorfilm Nosferatu - Phantom der Nacht (1979) von Werner Herzog erzählt als Remake von Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922) die Geschichte von Jonathan Harker ( ...
Abenteuerfilm von Werner Herzog mit Klaus Kinski und Helena Rojo. Unter der Leitung von Gonzalo Pizarro (Alejandro Repulles) dringt eine spanische Expeditionstruppe 1561 in die peruanischen Anden vor, ...
Klaus Kinski died. He is just as famous for his outbursts of anger as he is for his films. He went down in cinema history primarily for his collaboration with director Werner Herzog. His ...