A neo-noir action thriller film series that follows Jonathan 'John' Wick, a former assassin, who comes out of retirement seeking vengeance for the theft of his vintage car and the murder of the ...
Where can you watch the first John Wick (and all the sequels) right now? Check out where to stream all four movies, including ...
Trap star Josh Hartnett finds himself in another sticky situation in his next movie – and, this time, 37,000 feet in the air.
The world of John Wick is a sprawling one. Although the main franchise of movies focuses on a narrow slice of one assassin’s life, there’s a lot in the universe to explore. And now ...
John Wick may be returning for a "John Wick" spinoff this year, but a full film is less likely. The actor opened up recently ...
John Wick: Chapter 2 is usually the most forgettable entry in the saga. It's an incredible movie, but the plot is less thrilling than its predecessor or its sequels. Moreover, the villain is also ...
The first three entries in the John Wick franchise will find a new streaming home in January. Find out where and when to ...
(Lionsgate) During his appearance to promote a new film directed by Jeff Fowler, Reeves was asked if he would ever consider making a fifth John Wick movie. While his heart seems eager for another ...
As for whether we might see another proper John Wick movie at some point, star Keanu Reeves has been relatively reticent. In an interview with CBS News, Reeves said that he might have aged out of the ...