An action crime thriller film series based on novels by author Lee Child based on Jack Reacher. Reacher roams the United States taking odd jobs and investigating suspicious and frequently ...
Tom Cruise drafted him to write and direct 2012’s Jack Reacher, adapted from Child's ninth book in the series, One Shot. Cruise is no one’s idea of what the six-foot, five-inch, 250-pound ...
In the trailer for Reacher season 3, Alan Ritchson's titular hero goes behind enemy lines to save a DEA informant.
According to the official logline, “In the third season of the action-packed series, Reacher (Alan Ritchson) hurtles into the dark heart of a vast criminal enterprise when trying to rescue an ...
An action crime thriller film series based on novels by author Lee Child based on Jack Reacher. Reacher roams the United States taking odd jobs and investigating suspicious and frequently ...
Based on Lee Child's "Jack Reacher" books, Prime Video's "Reacher" series shows no signs of slowing down. Season two wrapped up last January with an action-packed finale, and season three will be ...
In an innocent heartland city, five are shot dead by an expert sniper ... But instead of confessing, the accused man writes the words, "Get Jack Reacher." Reacher himself sees the news report ...