Indian Idol 15 featured Abhijeet Bhattacharya and Lalit Pandit who discussed the making of 'I Am The Best' from Shah Rukh Khan's 1999 film. Bhattacharya claimed his idea influenced the song's ...
Many popular celebrities appear on Indian Idol 15 to promote their films and show their support for the talented participants. In the latest episode, singer Abhijeet Bhattacharya was present, and ...
In the clip, Kangana spoke with Indian Idol contestant Biswarup, "In my film, Sonu (Nigam) sir had sung a song titled Soniyo. Shreya ma'am sang that song for me. If Shreya ma'am can sing a few ...
Renowned artists Kulldeep Sandhu and Indian Idol fame Mohit Chopra are being heard in every nook and corner of Prayagraj with ...