I spent four months testing the most popular hydroponic indoor gardens on the market, and these three are the best.
If you want to start a garden but space is a concern, the Lettuce Grow Farmstand may be the solution you’ve been searching ...
Learn More › Hydroponic systems ... Plant food, a pH kit, and a pH-down solution (to test and adjust the system’s pH) are included, but Lettuce Grow systems do not come with seeds or plants.
BAY VILLAGE, Ohio -- It’s salad days for Bay Middle School seventh-graders -- in more ways than one. A group of boys is ...
Rows of lettuce growing in a hydroponic system in a shipping container outside the school district's administration building will help provide students and the community with fresh food year-round.
Chaim Tovia, project manager at H2O Farms, which has a hydroponic lettuce greenhouse in Guilford that’s reached capacity, told HBJ he’s in talks with the New Britain data center developer ...