Following is a transcript of the video. This foil surfboard has a motor The eFoil is the newest arrival in water sports. Lift Foils is behind this flying surfboard. Nick Leason: You can always ...
This motorised hydrofoil surfboard can "fly" above the water at a top speed of 25 mph. It is controlled with a handheld remote and it can be used on still or choppy waters. The eFoil costs a ...
He based the hydrofoil’s profile off of NACA 63-412 ... is pretty fun too — he’s 3D printed a large impeller for his motor, and strapped it in between two of his boats!
For a little more than a decade, the local aerospace giant brought its jet airplane technology to the commercial passenger boat market, building dozens of hydrofoil ferries used around the world.
A recent encounter in Howe Sound, north of Vancouver, reminds him of why. McArthur was out on his electric hydrofoil — a propeller-driven ocean glider that he designs and sells — when he was ...
The hydrofoil design is finding favour with electric boat builders ... considerably more than competitors. The beauty of the electric motor and foil system is the refinement of the ride, not buffeted ...