Herbs enjoy sun all day and need at least six hours of direct sun to produce high amounts of flavorful oils. Many herbs ...
Add movement and texture to the garden with this graceful grass-like evergreen. The gracefully arching leaf blades of ...
A gardening expert has shared the five best flowers you can plant in your back yard this month to make your outdoor space ...
With evergreen foliage and a long bloom time, this compact agapanthus adds year-round beauty to gardens and containers.
Rhubarb is an ideal edible plant for the central Ohio home gardener ... belongs to the Buckwheat family and is a cool-season hardy herbaceous perennial which grows from short thick rhizomes.
Summer is not far off, with plenty of warm weather ahead. Plan now so you know what flowers to grow, ones you can cut and ...
Perennial plants such as trees, shrubs and herbaceous perennials are typically able to survive extended periods of snow cover and sub-freezing temperatures if they are native to Ohio or other ...
In the garden in March, turn your attention to planting bare-root roses, herbaceous perennials and hedges, just in time for the warmer weather.
Perennial Plant of 2025: Clustered Mountain Mint The Perennial Plant Association is composed of professionals in the herbaceous plant industry. Clustered mountain mint, pycnanthemum muticum ...