The Battle of Salamis was one of the decisive battles of world history, in which the small city-states of ancient Greece joined forces to take on the mighty Persian Empire. After the defeat and death ...
One of the most outstanding messengers in ancient history was Euchid, who gained fame for his journey following the Battle of ...
The Battle of Salamis preserved the origins of democracy and liberty The Persian Empire was the largest the world had ever seen, and it extended to the Aegean by the 520s. Greeks (then known as ...
In the battle that followed ... encouraged by the Greeks' success, had already started to rebel. The victory at Salamis has often been described as one of the greatest naval victories of all ...
There are many strong and powerful women, or femme fatales, in Greek mythology, such as Circe, Clytemnestra, Artemisia, and Medea.
Taking to the throne herself, she made her name not as an ally of Greece, but as a loyal subject of Persia. Her major claim to fame occurred during the battle of Salamis, which King Xerxes of ...
when the Battle of Thermopylae took place. It was one of the key moments of the Greco-Persian Wars because, along with the battles of Salamis and Plataea, it saved Greece from an invasion by the ...