However, as Hogarth and Lilo learn to embrace their alien companions ... All of which are staples of The Iron Giant, and part of the reason why that movie was such a success.
Sam Wilson's Captain America takes to the skies, and apparently the bad guys still haven't figured out how to deal with flying heroes.
And the alien monsters are just awesome. I'll watch this over any other Vin Diesel movie any time. …Except maybe The Iron Giant. I always thank y'all for watching at the end of these videos ...
In 1986, director James Cameron delivered “Aliens” and the eternal debate began. “Alien” vs. “Aliens” is contested in the fan community to this very day (for the record, I’m on team “Alien” every ...
This is the story of a nine-year-old boy named Hogarth Hughes who makes friends with an innocent alien giant robot that came from outer space. Meanwhile, a paranoid U.S. Government agent named ...
The giant aliens resurrect the monstrous "super monster" U-Killer (Ultra Killer) Zarus, who was defeated by the Ultra Brothers in the early 80s and now lies dormant in Kobe Bay, Japan. Unable to ...